TEST FOR NOVA - #iSpeakSocial

Are You Ready To Get Clients 
On Demand With 
The F.A.S.T. Academy™?

Get The All-In-One System That Delivers  Ready-To-Buy Clients To Your Virtual Doorstep

There are entrepreneurs who hustlE every day, post non-stop online but are still staring at  single digit sales.  and then, there are those who launch f.a.s.t.™ and see massive success without the struggle. 

Ask Yourself...

You learned how to D.I.Y. your website, set up an email list, and create content. Now you're hustling through every referral unsure of where your next sale is coming from.


You need a system to get quality clients on demand, but the thought of figuring it out alone has got you s.t.r.e.s.s.i.n.g.

You type #livingmybestlife on Instagram when, in reality, you're living day-to-day buried in your laptop, scared of becoming...

  • Another statistic
  • Another wantrepreneur
  • Another "didn't make it"


Everywhere you look, people are posting about hitting their 6 + 7-figure income goals with identical offers to you, charging twice the price for half the quality.

I get it.

I spent 12 months learning how to blog, email, pin, tweet, livestream, with little results before focusing on the one thing successful entrepreneurs really need to make bank.

Figure it out alone?
That's When D.I.Y. Becomes W.T.F.

Listen up... it's not your fault.

You tried. Everything. TWICE. You watched a bunch of YouTube videos and visited free Facebook groups to "learn" a mashup of tips + tricks that ::gasp:: didn't work. 

You bought a "course" that taught the how-to but was missing the "how-to...do it for my specific business"

This freedom lifestyle business has failed you. And these gurus are making it wayyy harder than it needs to be. "$2k-$3k per month just to get started with Facebook ads?! And that's ON TOP on my ad costs?" ::yikes::

You need help + strategies that won't burn through your entire budget.

But guess what?

That random guy on Youtube running $5 campaigns to his fidget spinners...  


Your Time is Now. 

IF You're Finally Ready To...

  • Sell out your online courses
  • Fill your webinars, masterminds, events
  • Book Out Your Coaching Programs
  • Build an email list full of raving fans
  • Get More Clients For Your 1-1 Services

...without the 24/7 nonstop hustle... 

Then, it's time to leverage the secret weapon of F.A.S.T.™ so that you can fire your boss, retire your spouse and create the impact you dream of.

Because you're SO DONE being chained to your laptop
14 hrs/day figuring it out alone.


...hours wasted piecing together blog posts.
...falling down the You
tube rabbit hole.
...being stuck in procrastination and overwhelm.

Just imagine...

  • Celebrating your first (or next) 6-figure launch while relaxing on a hammock in Bali.
  • Saying #BYEFELICIA to that nightmare client because you have a full waitlist to choose from.
  • Serving clients that sing your praises, love your offers and gladly pay TOP dollar for your expertise.

Freedom. Flexibility. Fulfillment.

Check. Check. Check.

Oh, and let's add a few more digits to your bank account balance while we're at it.

The F.A.S.T. Academy™ is the quickest path to focusing on what lights you up inside. It'll save you time, money + your sanity through any launch.



Imagine Being My Next Success Story...

"$20,000 from just $483 of ad spend on my very first try at launching!" 

Not even 48 hours in and I've surpassed my numbers from the previous 4 months! The F.A.S.T. Method is an absolute GEM. Just listen to Nathalia, follow the program, it works!

Josh Bletzinger
Functional Medicine | FoxValleyIntegratedHealth.com

Money coming in automatically every day NEVER gets old!"

“I swear, it's like every time my phone dings now - I just made money. I can't get over how cool it is. It's awesome to have an automated funnel that gets sales all the time. I'm finally over all my ads anxiety as well! Thank you, Nat! "

Satya Purna
Brand Strategist + Copywriter | HelloZag.com

Allow Me To Introduce...

Funnels + Ads Simplified Today

The One-And-Done System that will teach you how to leverage your passion + skills to automate ideal clients into your business (even if you're just starting out!)

The LAST program you'll ever need to grow your email list, on repeat, with 'Ready To Buy' clients... right now (not "6-months-from-now")

Premium access to the fast lane of getting visible, getting paid, and getting profits in your business.

  • Eliminate guesswork with ONE clear + proven framework to apply #ByeOverwhelm

  • Learn How To Pre-sell, Pre-qualify + Attract QUALITY clients

  • Gives you live hands-on support with a "Do-It-Together" Approach so that you can stop going at it alone

Strategy + Training + Live Support  

a helluva lot more sales!




Here's why you should trust me...

Would you hire a 'guru' with ZERO background in business who doesn't drink their own Kool-aid? Didn't think so.

6 years ago, I learned paid ads wayyy before Gary V made it cool. I worked with top digital marketing agencies globally, managed over $7 million dollars in ad spend annually, and served MAJOR clients (like a little search engine that rhymes with google).

When I Speak Social was created - I quickly became overwhelmed with finding new clients, posting non-stop on social media and booking endless sales calls. It wasn't until I focused on creating my own ad funnel that everything changed. THIS is what took me from being exhausted and struggling to having dream clients coming straight to my 'virtual' doorstep. 

"I need more quality, paying clients" is the #1 thing businesses struggle with. I battle-tested the best and worst strategies...for years.

Lots of success, some failures, millions of dollars in trial + error. Can I save you from those growing pains? Skip the line with all of my best strategies, systems + tools, perfectly packaged inside the F.A.S.T. Method.

Ready to become my next success story? I can't wait to meet you inside!

xo, Nathalia

Peek Inside F.A.S.T.™

Module 0: START HERE

Who needs 50+ strategies and over 100 hours of video? ::face palm:: Inside, I lay the foundation for success with one perfect ad funnel that works for you while you focus on serving your clients to the highest level. 

You Will Get:

  • How Ad Funnels Work
  • Build Your Email List From 0
  • Mastering High-End Lead Generation

Module 1: M.A.S.T.E.R. Funnels

The EASIEST tech set up for ads you'll ever see. All your tech struggles will be #handled. Everything you've wanted to know, at your fingertips, without the endless Google searches. 

You Will Get:

  • Low Tech, EASY Setup
  • Ninja Retargeting Tools
  • Implementation Hacks That Help Multiply Your Time

Module 2: Amazing “Sold-Out” Offers

Lets clarify your message by creating effective "hooks" that make you stand out to your ideal customer avatar. You're now positioned as THE authority, hyper relevant to your audience and you sell without being 'salesy'.

You Will Get:

  • Competitor Analysis
  • Your Million-Dollar Message
  • Pre-sell With Lead Magnets

Module 3: Sales Engine + Funnel

Your new ad funnel will prequalify your audience for you. Learn how to find the BEST audiences and when to use them. No guesswork involved.

You Will Get:

  • Easy Ad Retargeting
  • Done-For-You Interest Targeting
  • Low Cost Split-Testing To Validate ANY Offer

Module 4: Turn On Traffic

Persuasion Marketing that works...Learn how to write direct response copy and create scroll-stopping images that make people say "shut up and take my money!" (in a good way) 

You Will Get:

  • Creative Anatomy of Ads
  • Persuasion Copy Strategies
  • Blueprints + Frameworks to Launch With Ease

Module 5: Engineer the Tech

The result? Funnels + Ads no longer look like matrix code, you're ready to scale to 6-figures + beyond and consistent profits happen predictably. 

You Will Get:

  • Decoding Your  Metrics
  • Scaling Your Wins
  • Automation Skills To Save You More Time + Money

Module 6: Right The Copy

The result? Funnels + Ads no longer look like matrix code, you're ready to scale to 6-figures + beyond and consistent profits happen predictably. 

You Will Get:

  • Decoding Your  Metrics
  • Scaling Your Wins
  • Automation Skills To Save You More Time + Money

Module 7: F.A.S.T.™ Results

The result? Funnels + Ads no longer look like matrix code, you're ready to scale to 6-figures + beyond and consistent profits happen predictably. 

You Will Get:

  • Decoding Your  Metrics
  • Scaling Your Wins
  • Automation Skills To Save You More Time + Money

Minimal Time  

Maximum Results.

I get it. You're busy. Less is more.

That's why I've built a program based on QUALITY, not overwhelming quantity.

In the time it takes to binge half a season of ::insert your fav Netflix show:: you could be FLOODING your business with your ideal clients instead.


Easy Tech Vault

  • BONUS #1: 
    Hiring Like a Boss With 'Look Over My Shoulder' Training - Bye Random How-To Videos - See Ya Never!
  • BONUS #2: 
    “Done For You” Webinar Launch, Email Scripts + Cheat Sheets. Because CEO's don't start from scratch.
  • BONUS #3: 
    Productivity Hack - Want My expert level professional advice on retainer so you never get stuck again? You got it!
  • BONUS #4: 
    Emails That Convert: How To Hit Your Freedom Metric. Unlock your profit potential before you Launch. 
  • BONUS #5: 
    Hot-Seat Workshops - Want My expert level professional advice on retainer so you never get stuck again? You got it!

Get face time with a Professional Launch Strategist...(that's me)

Live Weekly Coaching + Q&A

No more information overload or getting stuck! You get weekly LIVE group coaching - hosted inside the private group - with access to my 10+ years of business experience. Look over my shoulder as I give you tailored support to workshop any business challenges you have. 

Ready to be my next F.A.S.T.™ Success?

"The BEST investment I've ever made in my business!" 

I'm not only getting $1 leads into my email list but I'm fully booked every week! I was able to hire a team member and I'm profiting $3 for every $1 I invest into my business marketing strategy. So worth it!

Lisa Cheetham

“My income is growing, my reach is growing..."

It’s been literally life changing. I cannot say enough about this F.A.S.T.™ Program and about the level of Nathalia's work. F.A.S.T.™ is the top training online around ads. Just hit the buy button and I'm sure that you're going to feel exactly like I do.

Ingrid Arna

right This Way to consistent sales + profits...

I'm in! What's My Investment?

Waiting For You

Inside F.A.S.T.™ is...

The F.A.S.T. Academy™ Trainings

($2,997 Value)

EASY Tech Vault 

($1997 Value)

Private Mastermind Group 

($2,997 Value)

Live Weekly Coaching

($2,997 Value)

Templates, Scripts, Cheat Sheets + Bonus Tools!

($2,250 Value)

When you join, you get OVER $14,238 of VALUE for just....



+ get a 'pay-in-full' bonus

Pssst...pay in full and You'll get your  first funnel personally reviewed by me. Imagine the breakthroughs!

REAL Results From F.A.S.T.™ Members

"Nathalia went above + beyond! She's AMAZING!"

I tried everything...YouTube videos, another course, free FB Groups, the FB support forum. It was still so difficult to understand. With F.A.S.T.™, I got better conversions and the group support I needed. HIGHLY recommend!

Katrina Young

“I made $54,000 in sales after investing in F.A.S.T.™ - wonderful results!"

“I was frustrated and had such poor results in the past. After joining F.A.S.T.™, I spent $1,423 in ads in the last 3 months and made $54k back. Plus, more future clients waiting for me in my pipeline!  

Andreas Becker

Hold up, it's time for a #realitycheck
Are These 4 Myths Holding You Back From Success?

  • Myth #1
  • Myth #2
  • Myth #3
  • Myth #4

I can learn this on my own for free.

It's true. The best things in life are free. But the best things online are not!

Self-proclaimed gurus on YouTube or cheap, outdated courses with no support will give you headaches, not help. You get a few pieces of the puzzle but never get to see the whole picture. Freebies can only take you so far. Let F.A.S.T.™ take you to the finish line.

For You?

Your success is my success.

I want everyone inside F.A.S.T.™ to achieve amazing results!

But first, let's make sure you're a good fit for my program.

You're invited if...

  • You sell 1:1 Services, Courses, Coaching, host live events and sell digital information products
  • You're ready to invest in a proven system that brings you better clients automagically 
  • You solve a problem in the world and care about helping others

Not for you if...

  • You have no business idea, no money and no way to help others.
  • You don't have at least $5/day to invest in your business
  • You just want to "check it out" and have zero intentions to do.the.work.


Fast Forward...
1 year from Today

you can stay where you are now. 

Say "[insert B.S. excuse holding you back]...before I can invest in my future"

You can keep hustling to get every new client. Memorize the name of the last person who subscribed to your email list. Spend hours blogging, podcasting, pinning and posting.

Know that you're 10x better than many of the other coaches, course creators, copywriters, experts, authors, biz consultants or industry leaders out there getting INSTA-famous... but you stay invisible.

What's Behind
Door #2?

You commit to taking F.A.S.T.™ action, trust yourself and use the next few weeks to grow your business by leveraging funnels + ads like a PRO.  A year from today you could be getting media features, be fully booked, have an email list that triples in size each month, and be the Go-To Authority in your niche.

It's time to stop playing small and see real results.

THIS is your time.

I'm in! What's My Investment?

Waiting For You

Inside F.A.S.T.™ is...

The F.A.S.T. Academy™ Trainings

($2,997 Value)

EASY Tech Vault 

($1997 Value)

Private Mastermind Group 

($2,997 Value)

Live Weekly Coaching

($2,997 Value)

Templates, Scripts, Cheat Sheets + Bonus Tools!

($2,250 Value)

When you join, you get OVER $14,238 of VALUE for just....


1-time payment 

+ get a 'pay-in-full' bonus

Pssst...pay in full and You'll get your 
entire ad funnel personally reviewed by ME. Imagine the breakthroughs!


Risk-Free Guarantee

On the fence? That's a dangerous place to be if you want real results!

Here's the deal...I know the F.A.S.T. Academy™ works. I eat, breathe and sleep this stuff and I'm obsessed with your success. Let me remove 100% of the risk.

You have a 30-Day NO-RISK GUARANTEE to go through F.A.S.T.™, download everything and attend the live workshop. If you try the F.A.S.T. Academy™ and it doesn't work for you, I'll provide extra coaching to help you launch or issue you a 100% refund if I decide I can't help you launch successfully. That's how much I believe in F.A.S.T.™ and in you - I take all the risk away so you're left with ZERO excuses.

Get the FAQ's

How is F.A.S.T.™ different?

F.A.S.T.™ is not another generic "DIY" course on Funnels + Facebook ads for every niche and strategy under the sun.

This is specifically for Coaches, Consultants, Course Creators, and Service Based Business Owners. No more sifting through material that has nothing to do with your specific business. 

F.A.S.T.™ also includes WEEKLY live group coaching to help you take action quickly. It will answer all of your questions and help you customize the strategy for your unique business...because sometimes you just need to hear a real, live voice to know you're on the right track!

No "in-theory-this-should-work" fluff. I actually use every strategy in F.A.S.T.™ for myself and my clients. 

You get all the missing pieces, in the right order with zero confusion.

How long will it take to see results?

I value quality over quantity. There are some students who see results within 48 hours of launching.

F.A.S.T.™ allows you to start building an audience, running ads, testing your offers quickly so that you see results right away!

After a few days of testing, you should able to see what's working (or what needs to be improved). 

You don't need 40+ hours of videos to see results - you need a simple framework and support to help you implement from start to finish.

How do I know if F.A.S.T.™ is right for me?

Are you a Coach, Consultant, Course Creator or sell 1:1 services (local business or online)?

F.A.S.T.™ was made just for you!

Lots of programs focus on covering every niche in a desperate attempt to "sell to everyone".

You then have to sift through tons of information that isn't relevant to you with a "guru" that has no idea how it all applies to your unique business. 

F.A.S.T.™ was made by a course creator, a coach, and a digital entrepreneur that provides services to her clients. If that's you - you're in the right place! That niche of people have become my favorite group of clients to help.

Will I have lifetime access?

You bet!

F.A.S.T.™ is a living program that changes as business and marketing strategies evolve.

And no, you don't have to re-watch it every few months. I'll update you through the tech library and inside the private group so you know exactly what changes are coming.

I don't have a website and my offer isn't ready yet. Should I join?

Absolutely YES.

F.A.S.T.™ can help you nail down your ideal audience, your lead magnet and start building your email list. 

During the coaching calls, you can get extra help with your niche and your offer. 

Even if your offer is not ready today - join F.A.S.T.™ - and once you're ready to launch, you'll have a pre-qualified audience that is ready to buy from you.

How much do I need to spend on ads?

With just $10/day, you can start seeing amazing results and get in front of your ideal client right now.

Numbers for list-building, webinar registrations and high ticket coaching funnels will vary but with the Profit Fast Tool (inside the program), I'll show you exactly how much you need to spend and how much you can make.

What tools do I need? Do I need to be tech savvy?

No, you don't have to be tech savvy to use the strategies inside the F.A.S.T.™ program.

I do recommend a landing page builder, like LeadPages and an email provider, like Convertkit.

The EASY tech bonus is a simple, step-by-step, 'look over my shoulder' vault. You don't have to figure anything out on your own.

Will it work for me?

I'm here to help and empower you to make sure that it does.

You have to do the work. Trust the process. And then, you'll see results.

IF you do the work and you don't see results, you're covered by my 30-day money back guarantee.

Still Not Convinced?

Press Play + Listen In To What Our Members Say...

Special Offer Ends Soon!  Join Now

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